
International Conference on Food Contaminants 2023

Challenges in exposure assessment, health impact and sustainability of food systems

September 4—6, 2023


Submission criteria

We invite the scientific community working on Food Safety and Health to submit abstracts for oral (15 min.) or poster communications.

Scientific contributions through abstracts submissions will be subjected to a peer review process by the ICFC 2023 Scientific Committee members and selected for oral or poster communications.

Up to 2 abstracts per registered participant (oral or poster) can be accepted.

Abstracts submissions will only be permitted through the Conference abstract submission platform (ICFC 2023 website), taking into account the submission deadline and compliance of the abstract subject with at least one of following ICFC 2023 topics:

1. Occurrence of chemical contaminants in food products
2. Exposure assessment and health impact of food contaminants
3. Health, environment, and sustainability of food systems
4. Networking and societal concerns about food contaminants


Opening of the abstracts online submissions — March 27, 2023
Deadline for abstracts submissions — July 10, 2023
Communication to the authors about submission results — July 14, 2023

Instructions for preparation of the abstract

The abstract, written in English, should include the title, authors’ full names (indicating the presenting author), affiliation, keywords, and main text.

The main text should be summarized in separate paragraphs by introduction, methodology, results, conclusions, and topic relevance. The maximum length of the main text is 350 words (excluding spaces).

The abstract must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.docx) and NOT as a PDF file.

Formatting instructions

Page margins must be set as follows: top = 2.5 cm; bottom = 2.5 cm; left = 2.25 cm; right = 2.0 cm.

Use the Times New Roman font for all text, including headings.

Title: 14 points, bold, sentence case (capitals for proper nouns only).

Authors’ names: 11 points; initials of the first name should come after the family name for each author; the presenting author must be underlined; use superscript capital letter to indicate different affiliations.

Authors’ affiliations: 11 points, sentence case (capitals for the first letter and proper nouns only); provide the email address of the first or presenting author and each affiliation defined by the superscript numbers.

Abstract text: 12 points, maximum of 350 words (excluding spaces).

Include keywords.